Cartesius Utrecht pilots the City Deal for a healthy and sustainable food environment
During PROVADA, the Municipality of Utrecht and the Cartesius consortium (Ballast Nedam Development and MRP) signed a letter of agreement for an innovative pilot under the City Deal Healthy and Sustainable Food Environment. Cartesius, a large-scale healthy urban development next to Zuilen station, will feature more than 2,800 homes, designed around the principles of Blue Zones. The neighborhood will be a vibrant, sustainable, and health-focused community, integrating parks, an elementary school, a sports hall, a supermarket with an organic and healthy selection, diverse dining options, and cultural spaces.
City Deal Healthy and sustainable food environment
Launched in October 2021, the City Deal Healthy and Sustainable Food Environment brings together eight cities, three ministries, and various knowledge centers to explore how to create a healthy and sustainable food environment in urban areas. The aim is to experiment and learn through an inter-city pilot on how cities can make their food environments healthier and more sustainable. As part of this initiative, Cartesius Utrecht has been chosen as Utrecht's pilot project. The question at hand is: how do you transform a new residential area into a healthy neighborhood? What role can developers and municipalities play, and how can they collaborate to create a health-focused urban environment? To make this vision a reality, the Cartesius consortium (Ballast Nedam Development and MRP) and the Municipality of Utrecht are working together. The signing of the letter of agreement by Bart van der Vossen (Director of Space, representing Director of Public Health Bart Andriessen), Onno Dwars (CEO of Ballast Nedam Development), and Bart Meijer (CEO of MRP) officially sets the stage for this innovative partnership.
Cartesius: a progressive healthy urban neighborhood
In and around Cartesius, people will live in harmony with each other, the city, and nature. Inspired by the scientific theory of Blue Zones, Cartesius will be a vibrant, sustainable, and green urban neighborhood, designed as a place to recharge. At its heart will be the monumental CAB, serving as a second living room and the radiant center of the community. Cartesius will offer a differentiated and inclusive residential environment, where meeting and natural movement are at the core, surrounded by spaces that encourage connection and active living. With a distinct identity and high ambitions, at least 30% of the district will be green, fostering both enjoyment and promoting climate adaptation and biodiversity.
In addition to its strong focus on fostering community and interconnection, Cartesius also emphasizes social responsibility. With the acute housing shortage in the Netherlands, the first priority is to realize affordable housing, including social rental homes, owner-occupied properties, and medium- and free-sector rental options. The plan ensures variety in housing types, accommodating a wide range of target groups, and creating an inclusive society. Care has been taken to ensure that the urban district will offer a diverse mix of homes, allowing residents to find a suitable place for every stage of life and pursue a residential career within the district.
Program and facilities in Cartesius
The Cartesius area development consists of several phases. Phases 2-6, with 2530 homes, are being developed by Ballast Nedam Development and MRP. Together with the first phase of 322 homes by Keystone Vastgoed, a neighborhood is being developed with a total of 2,852 homes, two parks, an elementary school, sports hall, supermarket with organic products, restaurants and various cultural and sports facilities. The district will be car-free, with plenty of space for walkers and cyclists and smart mobility solutions. Want to know more about the City Deal Healthy and Sustainable Food Environment? https://agendastad.nl/citydeal/gezonde-en-duurzame-voedselomgeving/